Osirix download
Osirix download

It is a very popular clinical viewer used in healthcare by hospitals, health networks, multicenter research trials, and patients. Open SourceDICOM ViewerMacWindowsLinuxOnline16 alternatives to Weasis Weasis is a multipurpose standalone and web-based DICOM viewer with a highly modular architecture.ago 1 6WeasisIs this a good alternative?  Yes NoCopy a direct link to this comment to your clipboard Free.Suggest and vote on features3D Slicer FeaturesInteractive Visualization 3D Slicer vs OsiriX Most users think 3D Slicer is a great alternative to OsiriX.Guestgood for 3D Printing and preparing not for diagnostics.Negative comment Open SourceMacWindowsLinux12 alternatives to 3D Slicer Slicer is a community platform created for the purpose of subject specific image analysis and visualization.ProprietaryDICOM ViewerMaciPhoneiPadOsiriX is an image processing software dedicated to DICOM images ('.dcm' / '.DCM' extension) produced.Learn more about OsiriXOsiriX info, screenshots & reviewsAlternatives to OsiriX28 FiltersWindowsFreeWindows + FreeMacLinuxShow more filters 83D SlicerIs this a good alternative?  Yes NoCopy a direct link to this comment to your clipboard Free.Filter by these if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of OsiriX. Suggest changesThis page was last updated OsiriX 10 Free Personal Other interesting Windows alternatives to OsiriX are Weasis, InVesalius 3, MicroDicom and Starviewer.OsiriX alternatives are mainly DICOM Viewers but may also be 3D Printing Tools. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 25 alternatives to OsiriX and many of them are available for Windows so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. The best Windows alternative is 3D Slicer, which is both free and Open Source. OsiriX Alternatives for Windows: 25+ DICOM Viewers and similar apps | AlternativeTo (function()() Skip to main contentSkip to site searchPlatformsCategoriesOnlineWindowsAndroidMaciPhoneLinuxiPadAndroid TabletProductivitySocialDevelopmentBackupRemote Work & StudyLoginSign up HomeOsiriXAlternativesOsiriX Alternatives for WindowsOsiriX is not available for Windows but there are plenty of alternatives that runs on Windows with similar functionality.

Osirix download